Revue de presse


En 2004 il devient le premier homme à traverser le lac Léman aller-retour Lausanne-Ouchy (Suisse)-Evian (France) 28 km en 13h40 en hommage à un réfugié Cubain.
In 2004 he became the first man to complete the 28km crossing of Lake Geneva from Ouchy in Lausanne (Switzerland) to Evian (France) and back in 13h40. He did it as a tribute to a Cuban refugee.
Dans la foulée, il organise un coup médiatique pour ses amis instructeurs, afin de promouvoir leur école de Krav maga à Lausanne (méthode de combat sans règles importée d’Israël).
While he was at it, he organised a media coup for his instructor friends in order to promote their school of Krav maga in Lausanne (this is a fighting technique imported from Israel that has no rules).


Emmission du
10 février 2016